Viagra has been a revolution for men who have suffered from erectile dysfunction. When Pfizer discovered its hypertension medication, Sildenafil, was quite successful in prompting erections, it rebranded it Viagra and earned billions of dollars over two decades.
Not only did the blue pill make it to the medicine cabinets of men with erectile problems, but it was also quickly adopted by others who simply wanted to boost erectile function under adverse circumstances, such as alcohol consumption or fatigue.
Over the years, the drug has become immensely popular. As it naturally follows in such cases, counterfeit and lower quality variations quickly flooded the market. Costing less than $2 per dose and not requiring a prescription, counterfeit Viagra seemed like a good idea for many consumers.
According to sexual health experts, Viagra inspires more counterfeit versions than any other type of drug. A combination of high cost and the shame certain men feel when asking for a prescription has turned the black market into a very appealing option. But consumers are often ignorant about the composition of the more affordable version of the pills.
The online world is full of offers for Viagra, but according to estimates, nearly 80 percent of the Viagra sold online is actually fake. In other words, if you find an offer for Viagra that does not require a prescription and is suspiciously cheap, chances are, it is fake.
In 2012, researchers analyzed the contents of counterfeit Viagra pills manufactured in Hong Kong, UK, China, and elsewhere. They found they contained traces of talcum powder, paint, ink, amphetamines, and a variety of unrelated drugs.
A few years earlier, in 2008, four men died, seven went into a coma, and over 135 others got sick after taking various cheap versions of Viagra in Singapore. Doctors found out the pills were contaminated with glyburide, a type of diabetes medication that can kill non-diabetics.
On the other hand, because counterfeit pills are not prescribed by a doctor, users seldom consider whether there might be a dangerous interaction with another medication they are taking. And dosage is often uncertain, as it’s hard to determine the actual content of the active ingredients in the fake pills.
In short, counterfeit and foreign-made Viagra can be extremely dangerous. Drugs manufactured overseas that do not undergo the required controls can kill. If someone is injured or dies as a result of their consumption of substandard prescription drugs, the makers and distributors can be liable. Victims and their families can be eligible for substantial compensation.
If you or someone you know has had a negative experience with counterfeit or foreign-made Viagara, contact us confidentially by emailing us at: or call us at 202.780.9957.
We help match would-be whistleblowers with experts and qualified lawyers to ensure they receive the highest awards possible and protection from retaliation. There is no fee for our services. The Pharmaceutical Integrity Coalition (PIC) is an independent Advocacy Group, with no ties to the Pharma industry.